Viable Side Hustle Gigs For Nurses

20 July 2022
 Categories: Shopping, Blog


If you're a nurse, you actually have a lot of ways you can make money besides simply performing nurse duties. Here are just a couple of side hustles you might consider to make money on the side when it's needed.

Medical Surveys

People today actually have a way to make money just by filling out online surveys. As a nurse, you can focus on the medical variety in particular and put your nursing knowledge to good use while making money in the process.

Doing just one medical survey may not make you a fortune, but if you keep doing them throughout the week, you can earn some decent money that can be used for daily living expenses or bills. You just need to focus on the medical survey variety in particular because they'll typically pay more than your standard online surveys.

Freelance Medical Writing

If you like to write in your free time and are already a nurse, then you might as well look into freelance medical writing. You'll get to work from home and write about medical topics you have mastered during your time serving in the medical field as a nurse.

Companies are always looking for new writers, especially those that have some sort of medical background. Being a nurse gives your writing more credibility and that can help you land great writing positions that you can do from the comforts of your home any time you want.

Telemedicine Assistance

A lot more people today are starting to take advantage of telemedicine, which isn't surprising because it's a convenient way to receive medical services from home. You can use your nursing credentials and provide telemedicine assistance to patients in need of medical advice.

You would just need some type of strong internet connection to where you can accept video conferencing calls with patients that reach out. Then you can share your nursing knowledge with patients in a completely digital way, but still have just as much of an impact as you would if you were treating them in person. You'll just have more flexible work hours to enjoy.

Working as a nurse is great because you get to help people every single day, but you also can earn money in so many ways using this medical knowledge. You just need to focus on side hustles that play to your strengths and give you something to look forward to.  

For more information, contact a local company like Blomdahl USA.