New To Paintball? Shop For These Items At A Pawn Shop

25 June 2021
 Categories: Shopping, Blog


Those who enjoy the pastime of playing paintball get countless hours of entertainment from this activity. While you can rent the necessary paintball equipment when you visit a paintball center, many experienced players favor buying their own gear to avoid the constant rental fee. If you're at this stage, you don't necessarily need to shop for new items. Many local pawn shops carry a selection of paintball-related items that you can browse to find what you need. Here are some items that you can often expect to find.

Paintball Guns

Lots of pawn shops sell a variety of used paintball guns, so you check out the inventory, assess your budget, and choose which gun you'll carry during your games. As players get more serious about paintball, they often upgrade their guns — and this means that pawn shops frequently end up with an array of guns. You'll often find entry-level items, but you shouldn't be surprised to occasionally find higher-end options, too. Whether you favor a pump-action gun or you want the increased firepower of a battery-powered model, you can find the type that you want.

Paintball Protective Gear

In order to play paintball safely, you'll need to use a number of pieces of protective gear. These items can be expensive to buy new, so looking for them at your local pawn shop will help you to save money. A paintball vest is a popular piece of protective gear; ideally, you'll be able to try on a few so that you can buy a vest in the right size. Other essential pieces of gear include helmets and goggles. Some helmets and goggles are sold individually, while you may also find masks that incorporate both of these elements into them.


Pawn shops sell lots of different types of apparel, including garments that can be useful for paintball. Hunting apparel is popular among paintball players because its camouflage appearance allows them to conceal themselves in forest environments. If you're shopping at a pawn shop that has a selection of hunting items, check to see if hunting apparel is also available. These items can be very pricey when new, so looking for them on the used market is a smart cost-saving idea. Don't be afraid to contact a few pawn shops in your area by phone to inquire about what paintball equipment they have for sale. You can then visit the shops that offer your best chance of finding what you need.

To learn more information about pawn shops, go to sites like